Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wolf and the Gang

Beheaded prophet opera dropped
- BBC News

Ok, so the pope just got bad-touched in the confessional by the media for quoting an ancient text that said spreading (religious) ideals through violence is wrong. I can dig that. I mean that's as hypocritical as you can get... he's the leader of the religion that went on a world tour burning, killing and pillaging in the name of God AAAND he was in the Hitler Youth as a young pup (I know, I know not of his own volition).

But you gotta start calling bullshit when the fear of reprisal from the small, yet extremely vocal contingent of the international Islamic community reaches all the way to the German opera. I mean cancelling a 226-yr-old show because it depicts the severed heads of Poseidon, Muhammad, Jesus and Buddha? What's next, the international Viking community starts complaining about how metal hats with horns has been sullied by fat women with extremely loud singing voices? Let's leave opera alone guys, it's got enough troubles dealing with no more audience once the rest of the WW2 vets die and just plain sucking overall.

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