Monday, October 02, 2006

"I'll have a ... urger ... large c ... and a ... ow job please"

Armstrong 'got Moon quote right'
- BBC News

FINALLY, incontrovertible proof that Mr. Armstrong didn't make an all-too-crucial error in diction while pre-occupied with being the first human to WALK ON THE MOON. This is indeed one small step for man and one giant leap for GoldWave Inc. Hopefully now they can afford a new website.

In any event, the last piece of the puzzle is finally in place - case closed. Maybe now, with this new technology, we can also solve that mystery of why I always hear "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" in Hendrix's Purple Haze and "slow-motion Walter, the fire engine guy" in Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water. Quick Mr. Ford, analyze some Beatles' songs in reverse and tell me what the dark lord is ACTUALLY saying.

This is just the kick in the pants that NASA needed. All those exploding shuttles and the billions of dollars of debt can now be wiped clean from their conscience. Dubya, the most space-crazed president since whoever was running the country for JFK, must be very pleased too. Even though this means the list of other people who can't repeat a simple sentence on TV without effing it up has just shrunk by one.

But what about the 6 per cent of the general public that believe the landing itself was fake? I mean now that we've proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all syllables were accounted for in Steely Neil's historic speech, what's left to dispute? Sure blueprints, telemetry and video from the other five Apollo missions are missing, and there's footage of the American flag blowing in the moon's non-existent wind. Maybe you can even see a guy smoking a cigarette peering out around the side of the lunar module... but I specifically heard Neil say "a man," so THERE. Now take your conspiracy theory-addled brains and focus on something more important, namely why Jets leave little cloud trails in the sky and what effect that has on the frequency of boom-booms I make in a single day.


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