Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Smokie und zee Bandit

Man busted while drunk driving in wheelchair
- Reuters

Ok, so it's been a while. But it's not like I have a staggering readership anyways. If you actually did miss me, I missed you too, let's hug.

In any event, I see no reason to make amends. So instead of trying to come up with something good ... here's a quickie just because I can't stop laughing.

All I can say is: "YES!!! GO MAN! YOU FUCKING GO!"

There's only one thing I don't get. For a country with the nicest cars and the only true highway without a speed limit ... where do these cops get off pulling over a drunk guy in a wheelchair? He's not driving, he's not hurting anyone ... hell he's a poster child for responsible drinking in my opinion. How the hell else is he supposed to get home? It's not like he can take the back roads ... they may not be paved.

And what kind of spokesman makes a joke about impounding some guy's wheelchair anyways? Poor form Herr Polizeioffizier ... poor form indeed.



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