No suggestive dancing in the light beer room
Booze, dirty dancing stop the music at Hailifax schools
- CBC News
Next week: Fun-police chief Gary Walker raids math class, bans bathroom breaks, recess and smiling.
What a BASTARD! Principal Gary Walker has got to be the meanest old coot ever. Who bans school dances? Aren't they afraid this will emotionally stunt their children's development? I can still remember getting all dressed up and honing my moves for my highscho....oohhh wait. No one went to highschool dances anyways.
In fact, I'm pretty sure the general consensus amongst kids older than 14 was to go get boozed in the woods and skip the dance all together. Likewise, the suggestive dancing was typically done horizontally on the basement couch with the TV turned up so mom and dad couldn't hear (they really could though... they just respected your need for 2nd base).
"Too many students have been showing up drunk or dancing suggestively to driving drum beats under the dim lights," says Garebear. Maybe the issue is actually driving drum beats and dim lights (or perhaps alliteration)? Why not hold elevator-music dances at high-noon on the local hockey rink? Lets see them try to dance suggestively on THAT!
I bet the real issue driving this entire thing is Walker Halifax Ranger's own inability to dance. He probably cried himself to sleep as a boy only to be woken by nightmares of Johnny Quarterback getting all the chicks with his impressive Chicken Dance skills.
In Walker's defence though, he does have a backup plan to keep up student morale: "If we do an ice cream social, or we do battle of the bands, the kids who show up to those events don't show up drunk or stoned." Really Gary? No one showed up to the battle of the bands stoned? I find that hard to believe. Hell I'd find it hard to believe no one showed up to the ice cream social stoned... I'd have thought that would pretty much be a prerequisite.
- CBC News
Next week: Fun-police chief Gary Walker raids math class, bans bathroom breaks, recess and smiling.
What a BASTARD! Principal Gary Walker has got to be the meanest old coot ever. Who bans school dances? Aren't they afraid this will emotionally stunt their children's development? I can still remember getting all dressed up and honing my moves for my highscho....oohhh wait. No one went to highschool dances anyways.
In fact, I'm pretty sure the general consensus amongst kids older than 14 was to go get boozed in the woods and skip the dance all together. Likewise, the suggestive dancing was typically done horizontally on the basement couch with the TV turned up so mom and dad couldn't hear (they really could though... they just respected your need for 2nd base).
"Too many students have been showing up drunk or dancing suggestively to driving drum beats under the dim lights," says Garebear. Maybe the issue is actually driving drum beats and dim lights (or perhaps alliteration)? Why not hold elevator-music dances at high-noon on the local hockey rink? Lets see them try to dance suggestively on THAT!
I bet the real issue driving this entire thing is Walker Halifax Ranger's own inability to dance. He probably cried himself to sleep as a boy only to be woken by nightmares of Johnny Quarterback getting all the chicks with his impressive Chicken Dance skills.
In Walker's defence though, he does have a backup plan to keep up student morale: "If we do an ice cream social, or we do battle of the bands, the kids who show up to those events don't show up drunk or stoned." Really Gary? No one showed up to the battle of the bands stoned? I find that hard to believe. Hell I'd find it hard to believe no one showed up to the ice cream social stoned... I'd have thought that would pretty much be a prerequisite.
aww... there goes my plans for my next three friday afternoons. Yeah, I love going to Halifax to dance with high schoolers. Why do you think I'm always too busy to hang out?
I knew it! All hope is not lost Srah, maybe lil Georgie will still invite you to the ice cream social. If he does, invite me, k?
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