Friday, November 03, 2006

Dear Mr. Darwin,

Poor Reading Skills Raise Teen Suicide Risk

deer famlee and luvd wons,

I hev been ecstreemlee dipresed fer most of my yong lif. Skool just izent werkin fer me, I kant konzentrate and I hev no ideeia wut de dam teecher is riting on de bord. I wuz redy to jus giv up on skool and trow in de towl but non of yew wud let me. Now I hav nevr ben mor unhapie in my lif.

I wuz dispret to be assepted in de skool comewnitie and evan agreet to pertisipaat in a stody on peephole dat dont reed gud. Evryting wuz gud fer a wile but deese peephole hev ben folowin me fer more dan 3 YEERS! Its a constint reemyndor of my sortcumngs and maiks me sthand owt evan mor dan evr. Now dey evan tink I mite hav a sikeehatrick dishordor.

I em faced wif de reelisachun that I may nevor be hapee agen and so I hav desydud to jus keel myselv. Pleez dont trie to stop me az it is alredee to lait. If onlee somwon akshuly tryd to hewp me enstad of juss folowing me awrond and studing my beehavyor.

Goodbuy crewl werld,
Lil Billy No-read

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